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This is my 10 gallon tank for my Angelfish.  These fish are in the cichlid family, and tend to be little aggressive when full grown.  All the fish in the 29 gallon tank are too small, and he'd quickly make a meal of them.  Which is why he is in his own tank.

He does, however, have a buddy in here with him, Spaz.  Chinese Algae Eaters are spastic fish, and when I first put him in the tank, Angel did try to "kick" him out.  However, when Spaz saw Angel approaching, he went nuts!  Swimming up, down, left, right, forward, back; he was just one big blur!  Angel didn't know what to do, so he backed off, and they've lived in peace ever since.

Here are some close-ups of Angel.  He's really not that big for an Angelfish.  He's only 3" long, but the ones you generally see in the pet store are babies and are about 1 to 1 1/2 inches long.

And this is Spaz, a spastic little guy.  Though he is not little anymore.  Chinese Algae Eaters grow and grow fast.  He's now almost 4 inches in length!

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