Welcome to
Mark's Home of Cars, Fish, and Other Things!

Houston Real-time Traffic map by Transtar
Weather maps by Click2Houston.com
George Observatory (near Houston) Clear Sky Clock by Attilla Danko

Welcome to my webpage!  This site is my answer to the question, "How hard is it to host your own Internet connected network"?  Well, thanks to a DSL connection, a bit of fiddling around, and spending "some" money, I now host my own web site!

So why the name "www.carsandfish.com"?  Simple; I like cars, I like aquariums, and I couldn't think of a better name for my domain :-).  I've never been accused of being the most creative in the bunch (LOL)!

I decided to make this page more of a true home page so that it would be a little more useful.  So at the top you'll see a field to do a web search.  On the left, you'll find some links about my interests (and about me).

So feel free to look around and enjoy your stay!

Your webmaster,
Mark Fontenot

P.S.  As always, feel free to E-mail me!

What did the original home page look like?  Click here.
Site updated on:  12/23/2017 at 09:47:07 AM (CST -0600)

Copyright © 2000-2017 Mark Fontenot.  All rights reserved.  All content is the property of Mark Fontenot unless otherwise noted.  Unauthorized use is prohibited